
April 26, 2024

WOAS Senior Salute 2024


     It is getting to be that time of the year when our senior’s minds begin to look to the future.  With the last marking period of the last semester of their school careers in progress, we begin to hear less of them on the air than we would like.  It isn’t like they are ignoring their duties;  there are so many loose ends to wrap up prior to graduation, their schedules are not in their control over the last few weeks.  With that said, we are extremely proud of the job they did at WOAS-FM 88.5 this year and will remind you to tune in sooner than later to catch them on the air while they still have time to be on the air.  Before we know it, they will be set loose on the world beyond the walls of our domain (but certainly not forgotten).  As usual, we asked them to give us a peek into their time at WOAS and what the future holds.

     Matt Immonen – Matt has been the backbone of our operation for the past two years.  When we needed someone to open up the station and put us on the air every morning, Matt stepped up.  The number of days he wasn’t able to perform that function can be counted on one hand.  That is a pretty low percentage and speaks to why he has been recognized as ‘Mr. Reliable’ for two years running.  Matt said he was happy to be asked to help out and enjoyed being recognized for doing his job (and doing it well I might add).  Matt would like to get into the Geology field and left future DJs with some great advice:  “Don’t be scared to speak your opinion or even to talk on the air.”  Thank you, Matt.

     Darius Manos – Like all of our on-air seniors this year, Darius began the year as a rookie but progressed in his skills as the year rolled along.  Even after he got his bell rung in football, he bounced back with no lasting effects to his DJ career.  Darius tells us he got involved because, “I like DJing and playing music on the air.”  When asked about the future, Mr. Manos said he plans to be ‘working on a boat in Panama fishing’.  Thank you, Darius, we hope you catch some keepers.

     Hunter Badgero – Hunter tells us he got involved with radio because, “I wanted to try something new.  Listening to music and learning how to use the equipment were the things I enjoyed the most.”  Hunter plans to go to school and get into the welding trade.  He advises new DJs to, “Listen to KER.”  Sound advice, Hunter, even if I do say so myself.  We appreciate the great communication skills you exhibited all year.  It always does the station manager’s heart good to not be surprised if something isn’t right with the gear and Hunter was one of our two DJs who always kept me informed.  Best wishes, thanks, and good luck, Hunter.

     Adam Immonen – Adam’s skill set was spot on right out of the gate earning him the honor of being this year’s Student Manager at WOAS-FM.  Like Hunter, he was an excellent communicator and kept me well informed when the schedule changed without my hearing about it in advance.  I should also add that Adam and Hunter were exceptionally skilled at getting back to me (and nothing drives me bonkers more than texting, calling or emailing without getting so much as a ‘thumbs up’ so acknowledging  the message went through).  Adam said he was ‘interested in learning radio’ and he arrived at the station with the tools needed to be a good DJ and Station Manager.  

     Adam tells us he enjoyed WOAS for a couple of reasons:  “Learning how to use radio and playing music I enjoy.  Also having one last rodeo with KER.”  The last comment no doubt refers to the fact that Adam, Hunter, and Matt were part of the last sixth grade science class I taught before I retired.  As for his future plans, Adam is headed to NMU and if accepted, he would like to work on an Automotive Service Certificate, otherwise he will look for employment at Trident.  

     True to his managerial roots, he leaves the following message for future DJs:  “KER knows all so no funny business.  Just do what you’re told to do and everything will be fine.”  No doubt having a camera feeding to the station website ( has given the DJs the impression that I can read minds and see through walls.  Thank you, Adam, it has been a pleasure working with you and we appreciate that you took your duties seriously.  Good luck and best wishes to you.

     As our seniors get pulled in more and more directions the rest of us will have to step up and fill the gaps.  WOAS-FM 88.5 will still be broadcasting well into June as we put the wraps on our 45th year of being YOUR SOUND CHOICE.

PHOTO:  The soon to be departing WOAS FM Senior DJs are (l-r) Matt Immonen (front right), Student Manager Adam Immonen (back middle), Darius Manos (missing), and Hunter Badgero (back, second from left).  Others are our NelComm DJs – Tim Kniprath, Jack Nelson, Abi Pestka, Jacob Burrows, Julie Manos, Violet Amos, Jackie Cahill, and (not shown) Craig Sullivan. 

Top Piece Video:  I know ‘my boys’ weren’t involved in this, but Brownsville Station’s big hit from back in the day (my days!) certainly gives you a feel how WOAS programming felt when ‘the boys’ were on the air!