Level 42 has always been one of my ‘guilty pleasure’ bands along with Howard Jones. Glad to see that they can still bring it live – Mark King’s name doesn’t often surface in the ‘great bass player / vocalist’ lists, but he can do both. Clip is taken from a Dutch television program. I ran […]
There are many sources of inspiration in the world of music – there are many different articles that have been writtne about Walter Trout’s brush with death while he waited for a liver transplant – the video speaks volumes about the human body and what it can endure and heal. Inspirational is the only word […]
Here are some photos taken from the Singing Hills stage (located up hill and to the west of the main stage in front of the chalet – the Peace Hill stage) taken on Friday August 28 and Saturday August 29, 2015.
Dewey Bunnell. Dan Peek. Gerry Beckley. A few of you may recognize these names. A greater number of people will recognize A Horse With No Name more readily even if they can’t place the names of the creators of this folk rock classic. They may not be the hit making machine they were back in […]
The continuing tale of the Doley Brothers! If you are keeping score. . . Lachy Doley had sent WOAS an email out of the blue in the spring of 2015 asking if we would be interested in previewing the new single off his new CD Conviction. Naturally, I said yes and we engaged in some […]
Items of interest we are just passing along in case you missed them: An Update from Lucius: Well hello there, It’s been difficult to keep this under wraps but finally we’ve revealed the big news: our brand new second album Good Grief will be released March 11. Good Grief was produced by Shawn Everett and us with Bob Ezrin […]
Born on Long Island, NY on September 19, 1981, Scott Bradlee was the perfect age to be heavily influenced by the music produced in and around that decade. This leads one to believe that he may have been inspired by the post-disco period, the emerging hair metal scene, or even grunge. No, Bradlee fell […]
Robert Colclasure: aka Rouse. I knew Bob in passing the first couple of years I was in Ontonagon as he was subbing at OASD from time to time. I first realized what a funny, talented guy he really was when I hosted a little musical gathering in my basement for anyone who wanted to show […]
Another King and a Muleskinner have left the building. While we should feel sad that they are no longer with us, we should also feel a sense of jubilation for the mark they left in the music world. Though BB King passed away at his home in Las Vegas, Nevada, he was never that far […]
Right off the bat, I should point out that I don’t like clowns. I never have. I am not sure why I developed a negative reaction to greasepaint, but I vividly remember when I became aware of it. My older brother dragged me to the circus set up in the field across from our house […]