

School is Closed . . . out East

Sent a quick hello to Matt Glenndining at Moses Brown School to find out how hard the latest big snow blast in the east was affecting them.  Matt said they had only 4 or 5 inches of snow through Saturday so most of the damage seems to have missed them to the south.  At any […]

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S4SD – Don’t Be Distracted!

  WOAS-FM 88.5 and the Ontonagon Area Schools Senior Service Project class will be teaming up in February 2016 to conduct a driving safety campaign called DON’T BE DISTRACTED.  The program will be aimed a students in grades 6 throught 12.  SSP and WOAS volunteers will be conducting a survey to gauge our students level […]

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SpaceX Rides again

The whole video is instructive but you can track the highlights with the mission track bar at the bottom – the booster landing sequence starts around 22 minutes.  This is a long way from my entire elementary school crowding into the multipurpose room to watch the Mercury launches on a small black and white TV. […]

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Joe K’s points to ponder

Our long time radio buddy Joe Kirkish (who was responsible for starting the first campus radio station at MTU back in the day) had some interesting items in a recent edition of Over 60 in the Nov 21, 2015 Daily Mining Gazette. For starters, he discusses how flippantly folks use the term ‘billion’ as in ‘billions […]

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An education fail story – sort of –

INTERESTING FIRST PERSON EDUCATION STORY – taken from HuffPost – ker I graduated from high school as a failed student. When I describe the state of my education from that time I borrow a line from the Woody Allen film Love and Death because “I couldn’t write my name in the ground with a stick.” Now I […]

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