Remember when rock musicians wanted to make a difference? Well, they still do, there are a lot of charitable things being done by today’s musicians – here is a little throw back to the big hair metal days of 1985 – too bad many of the singers shown are no longer with us! Below is […]
Anyone remember the the game “Six degrees of Kevin Bacon?” It essentially follows that any actor one can think of can be connected to actor/musician Kevin Bacon in six or less steps (or degrees, if you will). It is an adaptation of the old parlour game that says that any two people on Earth are […]
Oh my – how did I miss this in 2013? If you did too, let me explain – Def Leppard concocted a fictious Def Leppard band Ded Flatbird and opened for themselves during a nine night run in Las Vegas – what a concept – certainly looks like they had fun. Apparently some in the […]
Playing in a band is fun. At times, it is also a lot of work, but once the gig is on, it is a lot of fun. When I was gigging regularly and people would ask, “Hey, what are you doing for New Year’s Eve?”, I liked to tell them, “I’m working.” If they expressed […]
I started on the topic of keyboard players a while back and began making a mental note of the ones who stood out in my mind. Never try and make a mental list that encompasses nearly 50 years of concert and album memories. I am probably going to have to get one of those ‘on-board […]
Our Australian Hammond B-3 playing buddy has been busy – besides a busy touring schedule in the land down under, Lachey took his first LDG tour to Europe this fall. Some great cuts from his album from the spring of 2015 (Conviction) and a dynamite arrangement of Jealous Guy. This was the last night of the […]
Drummers and bass players always appreciate each other because they are the foundation in most bands. Without any disrespect to the four and six string guitar slingers out there, I have also always enjoyed my encounters with keyboard players. My fascination with keyboards may be rooted in my abandonment of piano for the drums way […]
Innovation and creativity – going back to both videos released for This too shall pass (the Rube Goldberg versiona and the marching band version), Ok GO! has continued to find new ways to meld their catch pop tunes with stunning video creations. This one is intricate beyond belief! Okay!! Ok GO!!!! Check out the ‘Behind […] The WOAS West Coast Bureau sent this along from – there is a pretty complete description at that site.