

From the Vaults: Uncle Walter

 “And that’s the way it is.”  For some reason this phrase used to irk my brother Ron.  Any time he heard this phrase, he would snarl, “No, that’s the way you SAY it is.”  I am still not sure why this riled Ron up, but coming from Walter Cronkite at the end of his daily […]

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FTV: A Slippery Slope

   One must tread carefully when making comments comparing the worth of employees in one profession to those in others. These days, any career involves some form of education, be it on the job, in a vocational program, or professional preparation. For one to truly understand what it takes to work in any field, the song […]

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The Living Great Lakes by Jerry Dennis

Greetings Great Lakes fans: I recently made contact with author Jerry Dennis about using a segment of his boot The Living Great Lakes in a future article.  Dennis graduated from Northern Michigan University and now lives in Traverse City, MI. When he answered my inquiry (affirmatively I should add), he also mentioned that The Living Great […]

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FTV: Winter Travel

  When Mother Nature serves up a particularly violent weather event, it will undoubtedly get the tag ‘100 year’ attached to it.  In the summer of 2018, the Houghton / Hancock area experienced a 100 year flood that caused extensive damage all across Houghton County.  The only reason the city of Hancock escaped worse damage was […]

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FTV: Columbia

Astronauts John Young and Robert Crippen stared out the aft window of the Space Shuttle Columbia as Crippen opened the two 60-foot-long payload doors.  This was a necessary step designed to expose the aluminum honeycomb radiator panels that would help regulate the spacecraft’s temperature. Beyond the open doors they could see some dark areas on […]

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