

WOAS news and history

FTV: Jack Spann 2

      Let me introduce the Jack Spann Band.  If this sounds vaguely familiar, it is probably because Jack Spann’s first CD Time, Time,Time,Time, Time was reviewed in the space early in 2016 (specifically April 5, 2016).  At that time, Daystorm Music guru Gary Tanin added Time X 5 to the growing list of CDs he […]

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FTV: The WCB Revisited – part 2

    First up I have to apologize for getting caught in a time warp.  The events in Part 1 of this tale took place in 2015, not 2014 as listed.  Einstein may have been right about the relativity of time, but a year is a pretty large faux pas in the fabric of time and space. […]

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FTV: WCB Revisited Part 1

    Those of you who follow the ramblings of From the Vaults probably already know that the West Coast Bureau consisting of Elizabeth, Todd, Don Juan and Emma relocated from Los Angeles to Eugene, OR in May of 2015.  Even though they now live in the central valley of Oregon some 70 miles from the coast, […]

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FTV: Mountain Climbing

    I was a little torn as to what to call this edition of FTV.   ‘Mountain Climbing’ is a little misleading because it sounds like it will be about Leslie West and his band called Mountain.  That will be a topic for another day.  I almost called it ‘Climb Every Mountain’ but that made me think […]

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