
From the Vaults

Musical ramblings from the manager

FTV: Snow Day!

    It started as a simple link sent from our old roving NASA educator buddy Ralph Winrich.  It was just a clip he had seen on the internet and thought we might be interested.   I can’t say that I am captivated by too many viral videos that pop up here and there.  It seems that there […]

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FTV: Herbert Khaury

    Anyone remember the the game “Six degrees of Kevin Bacon?”  It essentially follows that any actor one can think of can be connected to actor/musician Kevin Bacon in six or less steps (or degrees, if you will).  It is an adaptation of the old parlour game that says that any two people on Earth are […]

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FTV: Keyboard Players Part 1

    Drummers and bass players always appreciate each other because they are the foundation in most bands.  Without any disrespect to the four and six string guitar slingers out there, I have also always enjoyed my encounters with keyboard players.  My fascination with keyboards may be rooted in my abandonment of piano for the drums way […]

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FTV: Characters

   What qualifies as a ‘character’?  We all have character, so technically, the term applies to anybody.  For the purposes of this article, we will define a ‘character’ as someone with some unique trait or traits that make them, for lack of a more appropriate description, memorable.  Naturally, this could open the door to a list […]

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From the Vaults: Booker T. Jones

   National Public Radio has a series called ‘Tiny Desk Concerts’ posted on the internet and they are a source of some interesting insights into musicians from a broad spectrum of genres.  The concept is a bit strange:  invite a musician to perform in an office and film it as a live,  interactive interview.  I first […]

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