Scroll down beyond the posts to find the puzzle section courtesy of State Point Media! Station Contact Information: 701 Parker Ave. Ontonagon, MI 49953 Ph…
Let’s play World War II trivia: Who was Eli Knudson? If you rightly guessed from the title above that he had something to do with the Battle of Greenland, you are in the bonus round. For a…
The ecological implications of the phrase ‘going paperless’ are obvious but it somehow hasn’t worked out exactly as planned. Admittedly, there are many organizations that give t…
Like many other publications, Classic Rock Magazine ends each year with an issue compiling the best and worst of the past year. In years past, I purchased my monthly copy of CRM from …
What began as an innocent swamping out of our linen closet turned into an adventure when I discovered the long missing high school annuals from my days at Marquette Senior High. The s…
It has been a while since I updated the old “welcome to WOAS-FM” page so that is in the offing over this Christmas Break. We have been granted a $1000 grant from the State of Michigan …