If there is a lead singer in rock whose career arc is eerily similar to the pro football career of Brett Favre, it would have to be David Coverdale. English by birth he now holds du…
The fateful day that Ray (the Human Jukebox, guitar player, vocalist) called to tell me that he was mustering out of the Air Force hit me like a ton of bricks. He said that he would be heading b…
Greetings – that has been the question of the week. We had a tremendous lightning storm a while back and soon after our web feed audio disappeared. After many days of checking settings and l…
Not the end of the world. This FTV will be about a band coming to the end of its run. I am sorry, if the title sounds a little too ‘apocalyptic’ sounding, but in some ways, th…
The first official broadcast of the WOAS radio station started at 8:00 AM on Friday, December 15, 1978. The station installed in two study rooms of the Ontonagon Area Schools library an…
“No one wants to see a drunken bluesman anymore”. Pretty profound words from Deak Harp who was just that and as a result, he was considered a five time loser (as in ‘failed rehab five …